Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Genral Public

It's been awhile since I have written. I am getting a new foster dog on Tuesday and will post pictures. Still haven't decided on a name. He is a blue Australian Cattle Dog. I can NOT wait to get him. His name is blue which will be changed as soon as I think of a suitable name. The person I'm getting the dog from said she thinks that the poor dog lived outside the first year of his life pretty much forgotten so he doesn't have a lot of manners. It's all good. I have the time and the patience to work with him, slowly and consistently to get him to where he needs to be. I also have enough love to give him. So I was telling a coworker I'm getting a new foster dog and she told me that she has Bichon/Maltese puppies at home that she bred and has sold almost all of them. I feel like looking at petfinder and sending her a list of all the Bichon/Maltese mixes that are now in the shelters around the country. It's because of people like her that people like me are needed. I know I said this in my last post but please people spay and neuter your pets. There are so many dogs that need homes that are wonderful. Think about adopting your next dog.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

My thoughts on the pet over poputlation problem

I've been combing petfinder, craigslist, and the animal humane society website looking at dogs for over the last few months. I'm totally floored to see how many Australian Cattle Dogs or ACD mixes,  (which isn't a particularly popular breed) nee homes. I'm working with someone to try and find foster families so she can get her rescue off the ground. I wish there wasn't a need for rescues. It's so simple. If you want a puppy, unless you are showing them competitively, spay and neuter them people. I went and met some dogs yesterday and  I really wanted to take one. Partly because I want a dog and partly because if I took one, she could take another one. Dogs are dying everyday because there are so many of them and we can't find homes for all of them. It's a a really sad situation.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Apartment

Well I moved into my new apartment the 20th of August. It is beautiful. It's on 20 acres and all of the buildings are named after countries, or cities in countries. I'm close enough to the city that it doesn't take me forever to get to work, but far enough away, I don't have to deal with the cities hassles. The amenities are unbelievable. The best part is, of course it allows dogs. There are many different types of dogs that live there, but the buildings are so clean and most of dogs are exceptionally quiet. I enjoy that. I do not enjoy barking dogs. They stress me out. I just want everyone to know, I looked at a lot of apartments. I looked at apartments all over the twin cites and I'm really happy with my choice. I  can walk to the grocery store, and there are many, many restaurants within walking distance. I feel that I defnately made the right choice.